Whatever you're going through, you're not alone. i wish you peace and tranquility
Well, the influx of new students in Near East University (NEU) this semester is considerably low compared to the previous semester as well as previous years. Different students or sources will give you distinct opinions on the reason why existing NEU students are withdrawing or signing out as well as the reason why incoming new students have decreased in this semester. I wrote down a compilation of some of the opinions i gathered regarding this situation.
Unclear System: The system used in NEU is quite conflicting to students from various geographical locations. The school promote advertisements of itself as a world class university with state of the art laboratory, educational systems/facilities, and professional services etc. However, when students arrive on campus, they experience chronic difficulties trying to adapt to a system quite different from what was advertised. The school spend a lot of money advertising the university instead of improving the educational quality that has been depreciating or that it is lacking.
Intentional Omitted Vital Information: The university is fund of omitting crucial information that are necessary to candidate students or existing students. Sometimes the rules are there but not easily accessible to the students. In most cases, the students are unaware of these rule and regulations until they get in to trouble. Let me give you some of these omissions:
- Interest based debt system that has kept hundreds of students in bondage. Since the school attract a lot of students from various African and third world countries, this information is crucial for students coming from these destinations due to difficulty in fees payment at times. Many students have dropped out from school because of the interest based debt system, left chronically depressed and have lost all hopes of furthering their education in life. You may still find some of the affected students in the Island.
- If you didn't complete your fees, there is high possibility that you wont be able to write your final exams and your portal wont be opened either (based on your debt magnitude). The implication of this rule is that, whenever a students intends to pay for those debts, he will be obliged to the previous debts (including the interest based debt system), pay for the number of unattended semesters in full (including the interest based debt system) and so many other complications.
- I am sure there are several more omitted rules but this are the ones i can come up with.
International Office: The international office comprise of various departments. lets focus on the Muhasebe department. This department is responsible for registration and a wide range of financial duties - a very important section of the school. There has been several complain of very poor services or systematic verbal abuse. This supposed department cater for the international students, however, they struggle to hire staff that are excellently fluent in English or professionally know their job. Another issue with this department is excessive unnecessary delay and waste of time. As part of the school, they should understand that the students' time is very important as he/she is bodied with various lectures as well as other academic activities. There has been reports that Students have been delayed unprofessionally for about a semester or even more (such high level of unprofessional-ism). Furthermore, the staffs are fund of making mistakes and blaming it on innocent students. if for example, their is a mistake from their side, they blame it on the student and if it is involving money, the student must probably make a repayment. It is important to know that some of the issues that students have could actually be easily resolved, but the international office makes it harder for the students.

Education System: NEU and most universities in northern Cyprus is built with foundation of business. Therefore the school's main priority is its profit. Education and other academic programs ranks afterwards. It is vital for profit to be prioritize, however, education should be the number one priority. If education is made a number one priority, the school will require less advertisement as it educational services will speak for it self from its existing students, graduated students, and various publications etc. The education system is mostly based on theory, but the school advertise itself on a practical build. Even the theoritical approach, the educational quality is very low. international students have been tutored by very low English speaking lecturers, very unqualified lecturers and lecturers from departments that are not related to each other, just to cover things up. Some departments have been unprofessionally established just to attract students, but they are yet to achieve full departmental structure. Generally, the system and quality of education in NEU is considerably low and is not in reality to what is advertised.
Lecturers and Head of Departments Treatments: It is evident that a majority of the school's academic staffs haven't gone though teachers or lecturers requirement or training processes. This is evident on how they treat students and how the handle academic situation. some lecturers take pride in continuously failing students while others are so corrupt to the extent of giving high grades to students beloved to him. Both cases are extremely unprofessional. The sad part of the story is that, the poor students are voiceless since no one would listen to their problems or solve them. Lecturers threaten students who try to complain or report inhuman and unprofessional behaviors.
Students Appreciation: The school doesn't usually appreciate outstanding students like other universities in the Island. In some universities, students are easily rewarded scholarship or other forms of rewards for their academic excellence. Unlike NEU, you will have to struggle and go extra miles before you get appreciated on a considerable level. Recently, they've been sluggishly upgrading by rewarding very few students 100% scholarship. Yes i said very few.
Bus Services: The school bus services have continuously had overcrowding issues. The school bus puts the students in inhuman situations. It is to be noted that almost each student in the university pay the amount of 100 euros each semester for social activities that covers bus services.
After Graduation Service: After going through all these struggle of injustice with the school and succeeded in graduating, what comes after is another struggle. To get your certificate from the school is another struggle in a whole new level. You will be delayed unnecessarily for a long period of time even if you have no academic or financial issue. I personally know some students who have been delayed for more than a semester before they were granted there certificate or diploma.

Haven't said all these opinions and i believe there are more opinions. There are some areas near east university perform well which i cant think of at this moment, it does have some amazing lecturers as well as some good services. But generally, these opinions are some of the reasons out weighing the positive aspect of NEU. Thank You for Reading and Best Regards.
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